First step for the microLind project

A long and windy road to insanity

Today I finally finished the first stage of the µLind computer! Yeay! After several hours of designing and discussing design options with my partner in crime, my son, I have finally sent the first stage for fabrication. The first stage you say, what is that? Well after several months of grinding in KiCad I suddenly realised that I was bored with the project, just because I did not get anywhere. I wanted to play and program the system! So I took what I had in design and desided to make it in 3 stages do handle smaller increments. This will also lead to a much easier bord bringup when ther is less things that can go wrong. So what are these 3 stages then:

1CPU, ROM, Low RAM, Serial Port and one expansion port (To debug easier)In Testing
2Stage 1 + High Ram, Address Logic (For banking etc.), Interupt Logic, three expansion ports (Audio, Video and External)Routed, to be ordered after final tests in Stage 1
3Stage 2 + PS2 (Mouse & Keyboard), Joystick Ports, Internal Storage Option (CF)Designed

Each stage will let me test all implemented parts and update next stage with any mistakes found during testing.

Note:  When each stage is finished I will publish any gerbers for that stage (The same I send to fab).


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